Sowing instructions

  • Sowing joy (cosmea)

    Sowing joy (cosmea)

    You can sow the seeds outside from the end of May, as soon as there is no longer a chance of night frost. Make sure the sowing soil is moist. You can place two seeds per hole in the soil and press gently. The cosmea has few requirements regarding soil type, but make sure it is in a sunny position with some shelter from the wind. Provide the emerging plants with sufficient water during germination and during drought. Attractive to bees and butterflies.

    Height: 60 – 91 cm

  • Sowing power (chamomile)

    Sowing power (chamomile)

    Sowing chamomile is easy. Sow the seeds in the ground or in a flower pot for your balcony or terrace. This is possible from March. Chamomile likes a sunny spot. Scatter the seeds over the loose soil. They don't have to go deep into the ground, just press lightly is enough. If the plants grow too close together, it is best to dig them out and replant them 30 cm apart to give them enough space. Attractive to bees.

    Height: 25 – 40 cm

  • Sowing comfort (poppy)

    Sowing comfort (poppy)

    You can sow the seeds outdoors from the end of March to the end of May; broad or in lines and then thin out slightly. Beautiful in groups and in the border, in well-drained soil. After about 15 days the first leaves are visible and after about 70 days they are in bloom. Sow them well apart, between 15 and 25 cm. Attractive to bees.

    Height: 20 – 60 cm

  • Sowing gratitude (mariette bell)

    Sowing gratitude (mariette bell)

    Sow the seeds of the mariΓ«tte bell in the period June-August in pots in an unprotected cold frame and allow them to overwinter in a protected cold frame after germination. Plant them out in June the following year, that is when they will flower. Give the individual plants enough space, about 30 cm. Germination time 14-21 days. The seeds hardly need to be covered when sowing. Two year old. Attractive to bees.

    Height: 50 – 75 cm

  • Sowing success (hollyhock)

    Sowing success (hollyhock)

    Sow the seeds from mid-March to mid-April under glass or from mid-April to mid-May outdoors on a seedbed; You can plant them out 5-6 weeks after sowing. After about 20 days the first leaves are visible and after about 80 days they are in bloom. The flowers of the hollyhock are edible! Give the plants enough space, about 35 cm between the individual plants. Attractive to bumblebees and bees.

    Height: 140 cm

  • Sowing happy memories (violet)

    Sowing happy memories (violet)

    Early sowing (annuals) can be done in February-March on a seedbed under glass. Then plant them out in April or May. Sowing late (biennials) is also possible: from mid-July to mid-August on a seedbed. Then plant them out in the fall. After about 12 days the first leaves are visible and after about 150 days they are in bloom. Give the plants about 20 cm apart. One-year/bi-year.

    Height: 20 – 30 cm

  • Sowing happiness (lathyrus (sweet pea))

    Sowing happiness (lathyrus (sweet pea))

    Early sowing can be done in February-March on a seedbed under glass. Then plant them out in April or May. You can also sow late: directly into the ground from April. Before planting, soak the seeds in water for 24 hours so that they will germinate better. Put the seeds 2 cm deep in the ground. Sow them in rows with 5 cm apart, against a fence or mesh in a (semi-) sunny spot. The plant will climb! Support the plants at an early stage. The plant blooms in July – October. Attractive to bees (and butterflies to a lesser extent).

    Height: 30 – 50 cm

  • Sowing health (red coneflower)

    Sowing health (red coneflower)

    Early sowing can be done in February-March on a seedbed under glass. Then plant them out in April or May. You can also sow late: directly into the ground from April to June. In a (semi-) sunny spot. Flowering period is June – October. Attractive to bees and butterflies.

    Height: 50 – 60 cm

  • Sowing pleasure (larkspur)

    Sowing pleasure (larkspur)

    Sow directly outside in a sunny spot from March. Earlier is also possible, but then in a seedbed under glass. Flowering period is in July – August. Do not give too much water and make sure the plant is slightly out of the wind. Provide support if necessary. Attractive to bees and butterflies.

    Height: 40 – 80 cm

  • Appreciation sowing (marigold)

    Appreciation sowing (marigold)

    Sow directly outside in a sunny spot from March/April. Earlier is also possible, but then in a seedbed under glass. Flowering period is May – October. Keep evenly moist, not too wet. Attractive to bees and butterflies. The flowers are edible.

    Height: 20 – 40 cm

  • Sowing new beginnings (cosmea yellow)

    Sowing new beginnings (cosmea yellow)

    You can sow the seeds outside from the end of May, as soon as there is no longer a chance of night frost. Make sure the sowing soil is moist. You can place two seeds per hole in the soil and press gently. The cosmea has few requirements regarding soil type, but make sure it is in a sunny position with some shelter from the wind. Provide the emerging plants with sufficient water during germination and during drought. Attractive to bees and butterflies.

    Height: 60 – 91 cm

  • Sowing cheerfulness (wildflower mixture)

    Sowing cheerfulness (wildflower mixture)

    It is best to sow the seeds outside in the open ground from the second half of May. Can also be grown in containers or pots. Cover the seeds with a very thin layer of soil and water them regularly. The flowering period is from June to October. Attractive to bees and butterflies.

    Height: 25 – 90 cm

  • Sowing love (flame flower (Phlox)

    Sowing love (flame flower (Phlox)

    Sow the seeds in March-April under glass or in a seed tray indoors. From May you can also sow them directly outside in the open ground. Provide a warm sunny spot in nutritious soil. Flowering period June-October, depending on the sowing time.

    Height: 20 – 30 cm

  • Sowing inspiration (lupine)

    Sowing inspiration (lupine)

    It is best to sow lupines in the spring, in March, April or May. Then you will still have flowers the same year. If you sow lupine in summer or early autumn, you will get flowers from June onwards the following year. Lupine likes a lot of sun and soil that drains well. He certainly doesn't like wet feet. Lupine is not a difficult plant, so it will quickly grow well in the border, on a roadside or in large flower boxes or pots.

  • Sow love (carnation)

    Sow love (carnation)

    Sow in pots in March-April. Only from May onwards can you sow on a seedbed or directly on site. Germination time is seven to fourteen days. The carnation needs moist, moderately nutrient-rich soil. The best place for the garden carnation is in the sun.

    The carnation blooms in May and June and grows to a height of about 25 cm. If pruning takes place after flowering, a second flowering often follows.

  • Holiday sowing (zinnia)

    Holiday sowing (zinnia)

    You can sow Zinnia both outdoors and indoors. At room temperature the seeds germinate within a week and a half. The seedlings then grow quickly and can be planted out in early May, preferably in a sunny spot and without weeds. You can also sow directly in the ground from the end of April when the frost has passed. Attractive to all kinds of pollinating insects. The hoverfly is especially fond of it.

    Height: 75 cm

  • Sowing friendship (bird's eyes)

    Sowing friendship (bird's eyes)

    The seeds can be sown outdoors from the end of March to the end of May. Scatter the seeds in a sunny spot and rake them in, not too deeply. The flowers bloom in June-August. Bird's Eyes is an annual plant. Attractive to bees and butterflies.

    Height: 50 cm

  • Sowing good cheer (mullein)

    Sowing good cheer (mullein)

    The seeds can be sown in March, April and May or later in July, August and September. They germinate after approximately 2 weeks. The flowers will bloom in the summer, around the months of June, July, August and September. The plant is suitable for sunny and semi-shaded areas

    Height: 100 cm

  • Happy Holidays sowing (pine tree)

    Happy Holidays sowing (pine tree)

    Start sowing indoors. If necessary, use a separate pot for each seed. Do not water too much or the soil will mold. Later, transplant them into larger pots and then take them outside. They can be left in a pot for the first few years. You have to be a little patient with this seed.

  • Dromen zaaien (slaapbol)

    Dromen zaaien (slaapbol)

    Zaaien kan in het najaar, omdat de zaden goed tegen vorst kunnen en overwinteren. Maar voor de bloei, nog in hetzelfde jaar, zaai je ze vanaf april tot half juni. De plant krijgt prachtige bloemen die ruim 10 cm groot kunnen worden. Zodra de bloemen zijn uitgebloeid komen er mooie zaaddozen voor in de plaats. Kies voor het zaaien een plek met veel zon en zorg ervoor dat de aarde kaal is en omgewoeld. Het is een eenjarig soort die zo’n 90 cm hoog wordt.

    Hoogte: 90 - 110 cm

  • Bewondering zaaien (zonnebloem)

    Bewondering zaaien (zonnebloem)

    Je kunt zonnebloemen begin maart binnen voorzaaien. Vanaf begin april en mei zaai je de zaadjes direct op een zonnig plekje in de tuin en heb je in augustus al prachtig bloeiende zonnebloemen. Stop het zaadje ongeveer 2 cm in de grond, schep wat aarde erover en geef het water. De zonnebloem groeit makkelijk maar zorg wel dat hij de hoogte in kan. Hij is heliotropisch, wat betekent dat de bloem meedraait met het licht van de zon. Daarnaast zijn deze zonnige bloemen ook nog eens aantrekkelijk voor vogels.

    Hoogte: 100 - 400 cm

  • Vrijheid zaaien (korenbloem)

    Vrijheid zaaien (korenbloem)

    Om vroeg in de zomer te kunnen genieten van de korenbloem kan je de zaden al vanaf maart binnen voorzaaien. Van april tot mei kan je ze buiten zaaien. Zaai minstens 1 cm diep, want het zaad kiemt alleen wanneer het donker is. De korenbloem houdt van licht en zon. Strooi de zaden gelijkmatig uit over de grond en sproei na met water. Daarmee worden de zaden beschermd en zullen de vogels de zaden minder snel opeten.

    Hoogte: 80 cm