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Veer&Moon Tuinkruiden doosje 'Genieten van het Leven!'
Cadeaudoosje met vier soorten zaden voor verschillende betekenisvolle tuinkruiden; munt, salie, bieslook en peterselie. Inclusief handig snoeischaartje, plantenstekers met zaaiinstructies en receptenkaarten.
Veer&Moon Sowing friendship
The flower bird's eye represents sweet & sorrow. Send them to a good friend. A nice gift with beautiful meaning for your friendship. You can write the recipient's name on the back. That makes it even more personal.
Veer&Moon Sowing dreams
Seed bag with papaver somniferum (sleeping bulb) seeds. The poppy represents 'dreams and imagination'. On the back you can put your name and that of the recipient.
Veer&Moon A moment of appreciation
Everyone can appreciate a moment of appreciation. Especially with the wonderfully scented marigold that stands for 'you are worth your weight in gold'. A complete tea package with organic flower tea, tea filters, a porcelain spoon and delicious cookies from the Koekfabriek. The cookies are baked by hand by very special bakers, people who are at a distance from the labor market.
Zadenzakje Sow happiness
Don't you wish everyone happiness? With this beautiful Lathyrus (also known as sweet pea) happiness will come naturally! In Victorian times, this flower came to mean 'enjoying the little things'. A cheerful climbing plant with wonderfully scented pink flowers.
Veer & Moon Bird gift box 'Little Happiness'
Gift box 'Spreading little happiness' especially for garden birds; DIY package that fits through the letterbox. Contents: a bag of sprinkle food (100 g), bag of giant sunflower seeds with plant plug, round stainless steel ring, string, DIY instructions in an informative folding booklet for making a fat ball and a large card.
Veer&Moon Folder with 8 botanical greeting cards and envelopes
Set of 8 botanical double greeting cards with the meaning of the flower on the back of the card. Together with 8 green envelopes in a folder. Closed with a blue elastic. Let flowers speak for you! Nice to give as a gift or for yourself to send a suitable flower card for any occasion.
Veer&Moon Gift box Sowing appreciation
Gift box 'You are worth gold' with three types of seeds that give appreciation: Marigold, MariΓ«ttebell and Tricolor violet. Includes three labels with sticks to stick near the pot or in the ground. The back of the card contains a quote made by Tanja Helderman: 'He who sows love will reap appreciation. The box fits through the letterbox!
Notitieboek Notebook white
Beautifully illustrated notebook A5 size with the theme 'happiness'. 1 60 pages of interior with lines on the right and bullets on the left. Halfway between two pink blank pages. Notebook is available with different colors of elastic.
Zadenzakje Love Sowing
Seed bag 'Sowing Love', with carnation seeds, with the option to put the name of the sender and receiver on the back of the packaging. A beautiful way to wish someone love.
Wenskaart met zaden Hooray! - long card with seeds
Elongated greeting card with pink cosmea seed bag on the inside to congratulate someone. With matching colored pink envelope. The cosmea represents happiness in life.
Cadeaudoosje Gift box Sowing love
Gift box Love with three types of seeds that give love. Includes three labels with sticks to stick near the pot or in the ground . The card contains facts about the flowers Flame Flower, Carnation and pink Cosmea. The box fits through the letterbox!